When life gets you down, get up and dance
What's it like when you try so hard to have a good and easy life and you feel like you keep getting knocked down? Maybe your health...

A time came when it would all shift
A time had come when I would be called, not really knowing or expecting the journey that was about to happen. The insights and wisdom...

Are you listening to the voice of wisdom
What if you followed a hunch, a dream, a feeling and it changed the direction of your life? How often have you ignored the voices of...

Accessing the power of our purpose
What is our soul saying to us? How do we access the truth and have faith in what we feel? Thank you spirit for giving me the precious...

Tribal wisdom
Do you have the tendency to complain about your past? Meet Tony, the toucan a new friend I made in Panama recently. Tony is beautiful...

I got the key
The journey continues, part 3 We continued our travels to the Valley of the Kings. I was still feeling out of sorts and wasn't sure if...

Mystical ~ Magical ~ Mysterious
We stand at the gateway and often don't walk through, doubting, fearing or unsure of what is expected if we do! When we make the decision...

Yes it takes courage
Have you ever wondered how someone moves on after many life losses, tragedies and big bumps in the road? I know my life may appear to the...

When God Speaks...do you listen
You know how it goes right... You wish for something, you pray for it, you practice the universal laws of manifestation and you still...

You're thinking... day in and day out What if? What if I took a chance to do something different? To make a change in the way I act, ...