Gloria Coppola
Meet Gloria
Gloria is courageous! She takes chances in life and lives it to the fullest! She seizes every opportunity to living life fully and tapping into the joy.
She decided playing small was selfish. Yes selfish! Playing big is selfless.
Life is an adventure and we should have fun!
Gloria has had challenges!
This woman has a never give up attitude. She's been through loss with divorce and death of a spouse. She's survived the loss of 2 siblings at early ages. She dealt with being embezzled in her business and had to learn to trust everything had a higher purpose in her life. She's no stranger to the adversities of life!
When she lived on Kauai she suffered a back injury that would leave her incapacitated for years limiting the active lifestyle she grew to love. She refused surgery and would not take prescription medications. As a result she gained a lot of weight and suffered from depression and anxiety. Soon thereafter menopause set it in and an unexpected divorce added to her challenges. Her stress was high and she was having difficulty emotionally being around large groups of people. She found it challenging to function at the high level of enthusiasm and energy she had known for 50 years.
This once vibrant woman who climbed the Andes mountains thought her active life may be over. Her hope and vast wisdom in the art of breathwork, yoga and nutrition kept her moving slowly. In December 2013 she found a solution through super foods that would reignite her health and passion for helping others. She is now out of pain and living a passionate life!
Gloria has overcome depression and anxiety when she realized that what she was doing based on other people's guidance was not in alignment with her gifts. She was afraid to fully harness her gifts from childhood for fear of being called weird again. She cried many days, oh heck months and years not living her purpose. Then one day she surrendered to her higher power and made the commitment and affirmed the dedication to follow her heart and take the necessary steps to go the distance. She is constantly evolving and finding the excitement in life and helping others find the clarity to remove their blocks and honor their purpose.
Gloria loves traveling!
She combines her knowledge and wisdom with fun. Many have enjoyed her retreats for over 18 years. Recently she was inspired in Tuscany, Italy where she attended cooking school and would love to bring women to wonderful places on this planet while getting fit. Some FUN places she has explored include, Egypt, Peru, Italy, Hawaii and the United States and Caribbean islands. Traveling has provided great wisdom, insights and empowerment to shift perception and take her life in a new direction.
Gloria has dreams!
It is her desire to help as many people as possible in her life to feel fabulous and living their purpose.
Are you ready to get started right and make positive changes in your lifestyle? Everyone Desires to live a full and happy life! Time freedom, lifestyle freedom, financial freedom and the freedom to be YOU!!! She can provide the steps that helped her gain peace on her journey and provide you clarity about your blocks and self sabotage.
Gloria is unstoppable!
Today she speaks in front of large audiences sharing and teaching others ready to take charge of their lives. She coaches people around the world and has contributed in helping friends and colleagues in non profit organizations. She received a humanitarian award from The World Massage Festival for her aspiring and humble work to assist the lives of massage therapists after Hurricane Sandy. She contributes to a non profit organization called because every child should have a smile. She's not nearly done either!
A visionary spirit she is blessed and continues to grow her entrepreneurial lifestyle business. She assists individuals interested in a organic healthy style which aligns with her mission and integrity to get people off processed foods. As a clarity coach and healing sage her intuitive gifts guide individuals to attract more of what they love.
Determined to leave a legacy for others: to realize no matter how low life knocks you down, no matter how bad you feel, you CAN pull yourself up and accomplish your dreams!
Her new motto: "I'm not giving up, i'm rising up"
Gloria Is Gifted!
Several years ago another gift was divinely given! The creation of the Aloha Message cards, which not only provide daily inspiration, Gloria was guided to assist in Soul Purpose readings and Life by Design guidance. Consider it a blue print for your soul purpose. To book an appointment email Gloria and she will gladly guide you on your journey. When spirit moves Gloria, she shows up and that means for you too!
Gloria enjoys learning!
She is an educator but a student at heart. She attended Hunter College, Clayton School of Natural Healing, and graduated from Health Choices School of Natural Healing and from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and continues to study about raw foods and veganism. Gloria has invested in herself. She recently completed an epic year of personal growth and development with Bob Proctor and several nutritional programs with David Wolfe and other professionals.
Gloria has been a successful wellness and lifestyle coach and business entrepreneur for over 30 years! The former owner of a massage school, holistic center, and health food store she has also authored 3 books, including Both Ends of the Rainbow: Lomilomi a Healing Journey, and has written for many holistic and beauty magazines in addition to being an ordained minister.