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A time came when it would all shift

When I was called, I could not deny the wisdom

A time had come when I would be called, not really knowing or expecting the journey that was about to happen. The insights and wisdom that would be shared and the experiences that would open my mind to a gateway of ancient knowledge would transform my purpose and heal my heart beyond my imagintion.

I was sleeping in more ways than one. I was dreaming not about my life, but a dream that would lead me to a new perspective of life. I was being called upon to awaken, there was no denying another step, another event, another challenge and another leap in consciousness had been prepared for me on a soul level, way before I ever perceived it coming... actually my entire life and the time would come now.

If you read my previous posts about Egypt, then you know many things were shown to me. Egypt was a life time dream trip since a very young age. I had no idea the profound impact it would have on me and more so, the direction it would take me in my life.

I would one day sit upon this mountain, yes, Machu Picchu and be initiated through an Incan ceremony.

The dream however, only told me I had to go to Peru and do missionary work. Nothing more.

I remember waking up and thinking that my whole life I wanted to visit Egypt and now I was being told to go to Peru, a place that I never even considered.


How often are things suggested to us in life that we ignore or discount as not being important? How many times are messages, signs and synchronous events popping up and we just view them as non important or ignore them until it is no longer possible?

There was no denying after 3 years of signs that something was working to get me to Peru. I recall teaching a cranio sacral class in New Jersey. We were in a circle introducing ourselves when I looked to the left to notice a women of what appeared to be of Peruvian decent. Well it didn't get much closer to my face than this and I knew that I could no longer ignore the signs.

It was days later when I returned to my home in Kauai that I received an email. It would be from a non profit organization, Path of the Heart, announcing a trip to Peru. How did they get my email? To this day, no one knows. I knew in this moment I had to reach out and ask for more information. Back in those days our technology was limited, so I received a packet in the mail in a few days. What was about to happen, would change my life.


I held the envelop in my hand and my body shook! It was in this split second I knew I was being offered an opportunity, something magical, mystical and grand. I never opened the envelope but immediately went back to the email to replay, SIGN ME UP. Have you ever just "KNOWN" you must do something and eliminated the questioning process. I took the leap of faith.

It was weeks before the journey when I finally opened the envelope to find out it was a missionary trip to orphanages. Just like the dream, I was being called, I thought, to pay it forward. I would soon learn more about the greater plan.

I gathered school supplies and cute stickers for the children. I was excited to meet them and see how I can help, in any small way. This gave me my WHY however, the universe had a bigger WHY waiting for me in a land of ancient wisdom and the navel of the earth.


We would travel high into the Andes to bring 1 pen, 1 crayon, 1 piece of paper and 1 chocolate to the children of many orphanages. Through bumpy roads we would travel on narrow lanes along the mountainside. Upon arrival you couldn't help but ignore the living conditions for a moment because beautiful children would great you with open arms.

I remember their eyes sparkling, the hearts wide open and their gratitude was beyond belief or imagination. They would dance, laugh all while not speaking a word of each other's language we shared love. My heart began to open wider than it have ever experienced.

Their dry skin, runny noises didn't stop them for a moment living in joy. I played ring around the rosey and they would laugh, holding onto my legs, looking up at me with big brown eyes that pierced my heart. They were beyond exuberant to have visitors and to share company with us. They were grateful for anything we gave them and they were willing to learn from us.

It was I who was learning.

I received a letter on a piece of the paper I gave one of the children. He could have done anything with it but he chose to write me a note. Someone read it to me, as it was not in English. He said" To the angel with yellow hair, thank you for bringing us happiness today and chocolate." So simple, as tears rolled down my cheeks I received a humble gift of great gratitude and my heart opened more. I knew one day, I would be back. One day I would show others, so they too, could experience the humility I did on top of that dry mountain with 700 children and without the comfort of a bathroom or luxuries we take for granted daily.

Our journey continued to the last of the Incan villages. A young boy of about 3 years old, danced up to our bus. Full of smiles, swirling his weaved bright red cape, eyes so bright to welcome us in his native language.

We would bring bags of shoes, made from old tires, bread and hot chocolate. The villagers came out to say hello. I never saw smiles so big, so bright so happy in my life. The elder in the village, a small women of less than 5 feet was so proud to show us her very modest small stone hut where she grew up and lived her whole life. WE peeked our heads in to see a dirt floor, 1 small opening for a window and a small fire pit with 1 pot to cook. That was it! She shared stories in her native language and made us a delicacy, guinea pig soup. They are a giving nation, a humble one, honoring all that they have and living in an abundant mindset.

As we got ready to depart, this sweet women who was the textile weaver for the generations would come to each of us, bring her head and heart to close to ours and whisper a message.

She told me "Always remember me"

I have never forgotten her beautiful heart and soul, service and humility. Her life gave me greater insight to the importance of the Abundant mindset.

The Super Power of Gratitude will give you a great appreciation of all the blessings in life. You will begin to see your world, your life differently and you will open to a new design of living from a new center in your soul.


More was about to happen, something I never even could imagine. I was asked if I wanted to partake in ancient Incan ceremony atop Machu Picchu. Well, of course!

We would have to step over a stone slab wall and place our feet on a small ledge of approximately 8 inches. Don't look down.

My arms stretched out across the slab for balance and security, I was instructed on the process and told the third eye/chakra would open and ancient wisdom would be downloaded if we were open to receive.

My heart was racing and jumping for joy! I had no clue what was about to happen. Honestly, I didn't even care. I was just open to receive because something drew me to the ledge so quickly, I did not have time to think about it.

My eyes closed, ancient words exchanged and prayed upon as I began to experience a bolt of bright lights rapidly emerging and opening this center of insight.

I could barely make note of the shapes, images and faces because it was beyond comprehension and I didn't want to slow any of it down by thinking.

A radiant iridescent white circle would appear on our forehead when this process was happening and I was able to see it on one other person who said YES. The group also saw it opened on my forehead.

From that day forward, I can tell you I see from the top of the mountain. My perspective takes me in many directions to resolve situations, gain clarity, see truth and learn how many people can process from the same point with all different eyes. It helped me gain more insights and a clearer channel for providing soul wisdom readings and coaching others in my business. I was initiated not only with a wisdom, but courage to stand in my truth.

It wasn't just an AHA moment it was a prolific and mystical experience I cannot possibly consume with mere words.

I have been called back again this year. I believe everything is right timing. The connections I have kept are supporting this mission and the shaman will bless us, provide healings and teach us.

Then, I saw this mountain! What is this I thought as I got pulled into the magical and majestical God created rainbow in this mountain. Soon, I was to learn it is a holy land and until recently not open to the public.

I have no idea what this calling is about this time, but I have learned to trust the feelings, the callings, the messages that come to me in this lifetime. The group I am taking will partake in many guided passages of enlightenment and it will be here we sleep under the southern milky way 14,000 feet close to the heavens.


Blessings come to us in many ways and insights are provided when we listen to the soul guidance that is tapping on us to realize our purpose and to live it as a steward of this earth.

If you feel called to journey with us and walk the Incan trail, Awaken your intuition, release limiting beliefs, expand your consciousness and expedite your own personal transformation through the energies of potent sacred sites please visit the information on my webpage and join our Peruvian guide . We shall tap into the wisdom of our soul purpose together and take it to the next level.

May we walk gently upon this earth and be in harmony with all creatures ~ In humble gratitude, I share this adventure, this story with you, Gloria

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